Monday, July 4, 2011

Cinta sejati Tomok, Ayu

TOMOK dan Ayu dinikahkan oleh Pegawai Pentadbir Agama/Pendaftar Kanan Pejabat Agama Islam daerah Gombak, Abas Mohd. Saidon.

PERTEMUAN di sebuah kedai makan dan bertukar-tukar nombor telefon ketika menjalani penggambaran sebuah telefilem kira-kira lapan tahun lalu, akhirnya membawa penyanyi Shah Indrawan Ismail atau Tomok dengan wanita pilihan hatinya, Siti Rahayu Abas ke jenjang pelamin.

Penyanyi yang merupakan bekas juara rancangan realiti One In A Million (OIAM) itu meluahkan rasa syukurnya apabila impian untuk menikahi wanita yang sangat dicintainya itu terlaksana.

“Hubungan kami sebagai pasangan kekasih berlanjutan selama lapan tahun. Memang tidak dinafikan pelbagai halangan yang terpaksa ditempuhi sepanjang kami bersama.

“Namun, apa yang diimpikan selama ini iaitu untuk menjadikan Ayu sebagai isteri telah pun menjadi realiti dan tentunya saya sangat berharap agar ikatan ini akan kekal sampai bila-bila,” ujarnya selepas selesai upacara pernikahan.

Ditanya tentang tempoh yang cukup lama diambil oleh mereka berdua untuk mendirikan rumah tangga, Tomok menjelaskan semuanya bergantung kepada jodoh yang telah ditentukan.

Jelasnya lagi, kesibukan mengurus kerjaya masing-masing juga adalah salah satu sebab mereka jarang membicarakan soal perkahwinan, di samping mahu mencari keserasian bersama.

“Sebenarnya kami menjalinkan hubungan sebagai kawan biasa dalam tempoh setahun sahaja. Selepas itu, saya ambil keputusan untuk menjadikannya sebagai kekasih dan tidak sangka Ayu menerimanya.

“Kemudian saya telah melamarnya untuk dijadikan isteri kira-kira dua tahun lalu selepas saya menjuarai OIAM. Malah, kami berdua telah sepakat untuk terus berkahwin tanpa mengikat tali pertunangan,” ujarnya.

Mengenai ciri-ciri yang membuatkannya tertarik dengan Ayu, beritahu Tomok, isterinya itu adalah seorang wanita yang sangat penyabar dan pandai memasak makanan kegemarannya itu masakan asam pedas.

Tentang lokasi bulan madu pula, setakat ini mereka masih belum membuat keputusan yang muktamad memandangkan pada 18 Julai ini, Tomok akan mula menjalani sebuah penggambaran telefilem berjudul Diari Kampus Biru di Bandung, Indonesia.

“Memang jadual saya begitu padat dan isteri pula sangat memahami. Insya-Allah, kalau masing-masing ada masa terluang, kami akan tetap berbulan madu di pulau yang menarik memandangkan isteri suka dengan lokasi sebegitu,” ujarnya.

WALAUPUN usia Tomok lima tahun lebih muda daripadanya, Ayu menyifatkan suaminya itu sebagai seorang yang matang dan penyabar.

Sementara itu, Ayu pula menjelaskan walaupun terdapat perbezaan umur yang ketara di antara mereka berdua, namun ia bukanlah satu penghalang besar untuk menjadi pasangan yang serasi.

“Mulanya memang agak sukar kerana usia suami yang lima tahun lebih muda, tetapi saya sangat bersyukur kerana memiliki seorang lelaki yang mempunyai sifat penyabar dan sering mengambil berat terhadap diri saya.

“Malah, kini saya juga sudah bersedia untuk menjadi isteri kepada seorang selebriti dan yang lebih menggembirakan lagi apabila suami tidak menghalang saya meneruskan kerjaya sebagai seorang pramugari,” jelasnya.

Menariknya, usia Tomok baru 27 tahun, manakala isterinya pula yang merupakan seorang pramugari di syarikat penerbangan Malaysia Airlines (MAS) sudah berusia 32 tahun.

Kedua-duanya selamat menjadi pasangan suami isteri setelah dinikahkan dalam satu majlis yang cukup meriah bertempat di Dewan Serbaguna Taman Sri Keramat, Kuala Lumpur pada malam Jumaat lalu.

Dilihat cukup segak dan anggun dengan sepersalinan berwarna kuning keemasan, Tomok dan Ayu telah dinikahkan oleh Pegawai Pentadbir Agama/Pendaftar Kanan Pejabat Agama Islam daerah Gombak, Abas Mohd. Saidon.

Pada majlis tersebut, pengantin perempuan menerima wang hantaran RM12,697.11 serta sembilan dulang hantaran, antaranya telekung, beg, minyak wangi, cincin, jam, al-Quran, kek dan sirih junjung.

Ia dibalas pula dengan 11 dulang kepada pengantin lelaki seperti jam, coklat, minyak wangi, kasut, al-Quran, baju Melayu, sejadah dan beg duit.

Selain majlis resepsi pihak perempuan yang diadakan di tempat yang sama pada Sabtu lalu, Tomok dan Ayu juga akan diraikan dalam satu majlis istimewa bersama peminat dan pihak media pada 6 Julai ini di Saloma Bistro.

Majlis bertandang ke rumah pengantin lelaki pula akan berlangsung pada 9 Julai di rumah pengantin lelaki di Alam Damai, Cheras, Kuala Lumpur.

Ambil amah terus dari Indonesia

PARA majikan kini boleh mengambil pembantu rumah secara terus dari Indonesia tanpa perlu berurusan dengan ejen. - Gambar hiasan

KUALA LUMPUR – Majikan di negara ini tidak lama lagi boleh memilih sama ada untuk mendapatkan pembantu rumah dari Indonesia secara terus tanpa perlu menerusi ejen.

Bagaimanapun, urusan itu perlu mematuhi garis panduan dan prosedur mengikut memorandum persefahaman (MoU) yang dipersetujui antara Malaysia dan Indonesia pada Mei lalu.

Menteri Sumber Manusia, Datuk Dr. S. Subramaniam berkata, pihaknya kini sedang menyiapkan prosedur dan syarat yang perlu dipatuhi oleh majikan bagi memudahkan urusan itu kelak.

“Sebagai contoh, jika ada pembantu rumah sudah tamat tempoh permit dan ingin pulang ke Indonesia dan ada ahli keluarga pembantu rumah itu yang ingin ambil alih tugas itu, majikan boleh urus sendiri urusan ambil pembantu baru berkenaan.

“Dengan mengikut syarat dan prosedur yang akan ditetapkan nanti, majikan tidak perlu lagi melalui kerenah ejen dan boleh terus bawa pembantu rumah dari Indonesia itu,” katanya pada sidang akhbar di sini semalam.

Subramaniam memberitahu, sebelum ini memang ada dalam kalangan majikan yang mencari sendiri pembantu rumah di Indonesia tetapi selepas ini mereka perlu mengikut prosedur yang ditetapkan kerajaan.

“Sebelum ini tiada garis panduan. Apabila ia sudah lengkap nanti, semua majikan perlu ikut syarat kerajaan bagi mengelak penipuan dan sebagainya,” ujar beliau.

Sukar Menjadi Mukmin Sejati Dalam Dunia Artis - Azmil Mustafa

Isnin Julai 4, 2011

Wajah Azmil sewaktu tahun 1994.

PETALING JAYA: Pelakon Azmil Mustafa mendakwa sukar bagi seseorang itu untuk menjadi mukmin sejati sekiranya mereka bergelar artis.

Dia berkata selama bergelar artis dia mengakui banyak dosa yang telah dilakukan.

"Saya rasa agak susah untuk menjadi seorang mukmin apabila hidup sebagai seorang artis kerana seperti yang kita tahu kehidupan artis lebih terdedah kepada keseronokan.

"Saya akui pelbagai dosa yang telah saya lakui sepanjang menjadi artis. Sehingga sekarang, ada yang masih menganggap saya sebagai artis dan mengenali saya dengan nama Ali Setan," ujarnya dalam satu temubual di Hotel De Palma, Ampang ketika meraikan mangsa Madrasah At-Taqwa, Hulu Langat.

Tambahnya: "Saya menganggap situasi ini sebagai lumrah hidup. Jadi, saya perlu berhati-hati dalam menjaga tingkah laku.

"Saya juga gemar bergaul dengan rakan artis yang suka berkongsi tentang kehebatan Rasulullah seperti kumpulan Rabbani."

Bagaimanapun, Azmil belum bersedia untuk berdakwah kepada rakan artis lain kerana bimbang sekiranya timbul konflik pada masa hadapan.

"Saya sudah faham dan lalui pengalaman menjadi artis, jadi saya takut untuk berdakwah di kalangan mereka.

"Lagipun saya belum cukup kuat untuk bergaul dengan mereka semula. Saya rasa halangannya terlalu berat dan bimbang andai saya gagal untuk berdakwah kepada mereka," ujarnya lagi.

Sejak berubah, dia membawa diri ke Syria dan menetap di sana bersama-sama keluarga selama lima tahun.

Menyentuh tentang perancangan masa depan, Azmil yang kembali ke negara ini sejak lima bulan lalu memilih untuk menetap di sini selama-lamanya.

"Saya akan melakukan kerja yang menjurus ke arah kebaikan dan terlibat dengan pertubuhan yang bergerak secara bebas.

"Saya merancang untuk melakukan sebuah majlis dengan media untuk menceritakan tentang pengalaman saya selama berada di Syria," ujarnya yang turut mengakui hilang punca pendapatan sepanjang lima bulan kembali ke negara ini.

Dia yang baru menjalani pembedahan jantung akui sering menghadapi masalah kesihatan.

"Saya tetap bersyukur dengan kurniaan Allah dan setelah menjalani pembedahan jantung, doktor menasihatkan saya agar tidak terlalu aktif dan banyak berehat di rumah.

"Bagaimanapun, saya akan meluangkan masa jika dijemput memberikan usrah dan berkongsi pengalaman yang dilalui sebelum ini. Saya akan cuba bawakan perspektif yang kontemporari seiring dengan dunia sekarang," jelasnya.

Senator Pakatan alu-alu dialog PM dan Bersih

Hazayani Zakaria

KUALA LUMPUR, 4 Julai: Para Senator Pakatan Rakyat mengalu-alukan sebarang dialog di antara Perdana Menteri , Datuk Seri Najib Razak dengan pihak Bersih.

Merujuk kepada titah Yang di-Pertuan Agong semalam mengenai perhimpunan Bersih 2.0 pada 9 Julai ini, Senator Dr. Syed Husin Ali berkata, Pakatan Rakyat amat berharap Najib dapat mencari jalan terbaik dalam menangani isu ini.

Ini kerana katanya Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) sendiri sudah menutup pintu rundingan dan polis juga turut menutup pintu rundingan.

"Kami alu-alukan (nasihat Yang di-Pertuan Agong agar mengadakan dialog) dan kini terserah kepada Perdana Menteri dan kerajaan mencari jalan terbaik dalam soal Bersih ini," kata beliau pada disidang media di lobi parlimen hari ini.

Beliau juga berkata, keputusan samaada himpunan tersebut akan diteruskan atau tidak bergantung kepada pihak penganjur.

"Bersih akan tentukan berdasarkan respon rakyat. Yang saya tahu pada 8 hari bulan perdana menteri dan isteri akan keluar negara. Jadi samaada perhimpunan 9 Julai diteruskan atau tidak, saya tidak dapat menjawabnya," katanya yang juga bekas timbalan presiden PKR.

Sementara itu, Senator Mumtaz Md Nawi daripada PAS meminta kerajaan memberikan ruang dan peluang kepada rakyat untuk menyatakan hasrat mereka secara aman.

Katanya, lapan tuntutan bersih itu melibatkan perubahan sistem demokrasi yang melibatkan rakyat, bukan kepentingan mana-mana parti-perti politik.

"Ahli Parlimen dah nyatakan hasrat kami dalam Parlimen tapi tak dapat jawapan yang baik jadi sebagai rakyat mereka perlu saluran untuk mereka suarakan. Kalau mereka nak nyatakan dengan cara berjalan secara aman adakah ini salah?

"Lapan tunututan ini bukan untuk PAS, Umno, DAP, PKR atau Gerakan tapi ini untuk memastikan sistem yang digunakan dalam keadaan bersih," katanya.

Usul ditolak

Mengulas mengenai tindakan polis menangkap aktivis parti politik dan NGO, termasuk di bawah Ordinan Darurat, Syed Husin berkata perkara itu tidak boleh dilakukan kerana belum digazet di Parlimen.

"Kami menganggap tindakan polis menangkap beberapa pemimpin, parti PSM dan NGO adalah keterlaluan.

"Tindakan yang telah diambil itu seperti menangkap orang pakai baju kuning seolah-olah mengharamkan warna kuning adalah tidankan yang tidak boleh dilakukan kerana belum digazetkan di Parlimen," katanya.

Senator S Ramakhrisnan daripada DAP pula kesal usul yang dikemukakannya mengenai tindakan polis menahan beberapa beberapa orang wakil rakyat secara keterlaluan ditolak Dewan Negara.

Beliau berkata, usul tersebut ditolak dalam kamar tanpa memberi peluang kepadanya untuk membacakan usul tersebut dalam dewan.

"Ini perkara yang menyedihkan kerana perhimpunan ini melibatkan rakyat dan Yang di-Pertyuan Agong pun campur tangan tapi tak boleh bincang di Parlimen.

"Perdana menteri kata kena guna cara yang betul tapi di Parlimen yang merupakan penggubal undang-undang pun tak boleh bincang isu ini," katanya.

Bersih 2.0 berusaha menghadap Agung


KUALA LUMPUR, 4 Julai: Jawatankuasa penganjur Bersih 2.0 sedang berusaha untuk menghadap Yang Dipertuan Agung, Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin sebelum Sabtu ini sebelum membuat sebarang keputusan mengenai perhimpunan itu.

Menurut kenyataan yang dikeluarkan oleh sekretariat Bersih 2.0, "Kami akan berkomunikasi dengan Yang Dipertuan Agung sebelum membuat keputusan akhir."

Pagi ini Pengerusi Bersih 2.0, Datuk Ambiga Srevanasan bertemu dengan bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

Ini adalah bertujuan untuk menyelesaikan situasi sekarang, kata satu kenyataan yang dikeluarkan Sekretariat Bersih melalui Twitter mereka.

Petang semalam Yang Dipertuan Agung, Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin mengeluarkan titah agar diadakan rundingan antara pihak Bersih dan kerajaan.

Baginda juga mengarahkan kerajaan agar melaksanakan segala amanah yang diberikan rakyat secara adil dan bijaksana serta menyelesaikan masalah dengan rundingan.

Titah ini dikeluarkan baginda seminggu menjelang perhimpunan Bersih 9 Julai ini dengan kira-kira 100 orang sudah ditangkap kerana dikaitkan dengan perhimpunan itu.

Timbalan Ketua Polis Negara pula telah mengeluarkan kenyataan pintu rundingan sudah ditutup dan akan menahan pihak yang terlibat dengan perhimpunan ini.

Menurut Tuanku Mizan, baginda mengikuti dengan teliti akan perkembangan cadangan Kumpulan Bersih untuk mengadakan perarakan dan perhimpunan beramai-ramai yang bertujuan untuk menyerahkan memorandum kepada Beta selaku Yang di-Pertuan Agong, dan bagaimana pihak kerajaan menangani isu ini khususnya agensi-agensi dan jabatan-jabatan yang terlibat.

Bantah tahan PSM

Sementara itu, Bersih 2.0 dalam kenyataannya mengecam keras tindakan polis menahan enam pemimpin Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) yang ditahan di bawah Akta Dharurat.

"Ia sama seperti ditahan di bawah ISA," kata satu kenyataan Bersih 2.0.

Semalam, Setiausaha Agung Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) S. Arutchelvan (gambar) membuat laporan polis terhadap Menteri Dalam Negeri Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein, Ketua Polis Negara Tan Sri Ismail Omar dan timbalannya Datuk Khalid Abu Bakar kerana melemparkan tuduhan palsu terhadap lima aktivis parti itu termasuk Ahli Parlimen Sungai Siput Dr Michael Jeyakumar.

Selain Michael, turut ditahan di bawah Ordinan Darurat adalah M Saraswathy, Choo Chon Kai, M Sukumaran, A Letchumanan dan Sarat Babu.

Kesemua mereka ditahan di bawah Seksyen 3 (1) Ordinan Darurat (Ketenteraman Awam Dan Mencegah Jenayah) 1969 yang membolehkan ditahan selama 60 hari tanpa perbicaraan.

Kata Arutchelvan (gambar), sebelum ini kesemua mereka ditahan di bawah Seksyen 122 Kanun Keseksaan iaitu dakwaan melancarkan perang ke atas Yang di-Pertuan Agong namun telah dibebaskan daripada tuduhan itu.

“Kemudian semalam polis membuat tangkapan semula di bawah Seksyen 3 (1) Ordinan Darurat kerana kononnya terdapat sebab-sebab untuk mempercayai yang mereka telah bertindak mengikut apa-apa cara yang memudaratkan ketenteraman awam.

“Ini adalah tindakan salah guna kuasa di mana polis bersembunyi di belakang undang-undang zalim ala ISA (Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri). Polis dan KDN (Kementerian Dalam Negeri) juga tahu bahawa ISA tidak lagi popular sehingga terpaksa mengunakan undang-undang darurat yang ramai orang tidak mengetahuinya,” katanya dalam laporan polis itu.

Tegas Arutchelvan, Ordinan Darurat digunakan ke atas individu yang melakukan jenayah berat dan bukan berunsur politik.

“Mereka berenam ini adalah tahanan politik pertama dituduh di bawah Ordinan Darurat yang masih digunakan di zaman tidak ada darurat.

“Maka tujuan sebenar Ordinan Darurat digunakan adalah untuk menghindar orang dari menyertai perhimpunan aman Bersih 2.0. Semua alasan dan kenyataan lain adalah tipu muslihat dan agenda memperbodohkan rakyat,” katanya.

Minggu lalu kesemua mereka ditahan berhubung Himpunan Bersih 2.0 bersama 25 yang lain

Agong urges restraint, consultation


KUALA LUMPUR, Jul 4: Days after deputy inspector general of police Khalid Abu Bakar promised to intensify crackdown on Bersih supporters and said he would not negotiate with organisers of the July 9 rally, the Agong yesterday urged all parties to engage with each other.

"When any problem arises, we as a civilised society must resolve it through consultations and not follow our emotions, as the Malay saying goes, 'Yang Dikejar Tak Dapat Yang Dikendong Berciciran' (Not getting what we chase after and spilling what we carry)," Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin (pic) said in a carefully worded statement issued by the Palace last night.

The statement comes as the crackdown on anyone seen sympathising with the July 9 rally for electoral reforms intensified, with close to 200 people including members of parliament being arrested nationwide.

The crackdown also saw Sungai Siput MP Michael Jeyakumar Devaraj and five members of his Socialist Party being accused of "waging war against the King" for distributing leaflets urging support for Bersih. They are currently held under the draconian Emergency Ordinance 1966.

Last week, Khalid declared that the door to negotiation was over.

“We will not discuss anymore. Be ready to face the laws of this country,” he was quoted.

Tuanku Mizan, saying he had been following closely the actions taken by the government in handling the run-up to the gathering which seeks to pass a memorandum on electoral reforms to the Palace, however said the government must act justly.

'Be just and wise'

While Bersih organisers had assured that the rally would be peaceful, UMNO's offshoot Perkasa raised the spectre of a racial riot and threatened violence by holding its own gathering on the same day.

In his statement, the Agong, who expressed fear that street demonstrations could bring more bad than good "although the original intention is good" also urged those committed to bolster democracy to also ensure "that this demand on democracy does not bring destruction to the country."

"I also urge the government to carry out everything that is entrusted to it by the people in a just and wise manner, and it is important that I as the Yang di-Pertuan Agong do not want to see this country with a plural society in a situation where there is animosity among them or a section of the people being enemies with the government, on whatever grounds.

"Remember that there is no land where the rain does not fall, there is no ocean that is not turbulent. That is how important moderation and compromise is, which has been long been in practice by our nation's administration," he added.

This is the first reaction from the palace on the second Bersih rally, which calls for eight demands ensuring a more transparent electoral system. Earlier, PAS cautioned against any attempt by UMNO to use the Agong to stop the rally, while constitutional expert Dr Aziz Bari said the Agong could intervene to take action against EC officials who have issued politically-biased statements against the rally.

Meanwhile, Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim in a Twitter response from London cautioned that the government controlled media would spin the royal statement in its favour. Thanking the Agong for his advice, Anwar said he would propose that Bersih leaders have an audience with Tuanku Mizan.

Bersih chairperson Ambiga Sreenevasan, in her reaction to the latest development, said the coalition would issue a statement today.


Amid crackdown, PAS warns against using Agong

Muslim body urges leaders, royalty to condemn death threats

What Islam says about public demonstrations

Abu Zaynab

July 1, 2011

On the authority of Abu Sa'id al-Khudri who said: I heard the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings upon him) say:
When any one of you sees anything that is disapproved (of by Allah), let him change it with his hand. If he is not able to do so, then let him change it with his tongue. And if he is not able to do so, then let him change it with his heart, though that is the weakest (kind of) faith.

Allah designated for this Ummah (Muslim community) people who will protect His din (Divine Authority), and who will facilitate their affairs and make them on a level of sincerity and understanding. Among them Allah raised the ulama, people of understanding, people trustworthy working day and night around the world, people who whenever they see fitnah (vices), they fight it, whenever they see taghut (those who fight God), they will call for jihad to fight it.

Allah established this din by the Companions and their Followers. He designated this Ummah with ulama like Sufyan Al Thawri, Sufyan Al Uyayna, Imam Bukhari, Imam Muslim, Imam Al Uza'i, Imam Abu Hanifah, Imam Malik, Imam Shafi'i, Imam Ahmad and many other later scholars.

Seeking knowledge is fard (obligatory) but seeking knowledge is of two types; one is Fard 'ayn (individual obligation) and one is Fard kifayah (collective obligation). The knowledge that is obligatory to seek is Ilm al Dharuri, the knowledge that one cannot fulfill one's obligation if not understood or studies. The other knowledge is Fard Kifayah, to understand or study it and it does not take priority over other duties.

We have to understand the foundation of the din (Religion of God). People usually ask for a particular solution to a problem, but in any topic concerning ibadah (Worship), you have to study the pillars of it, the wajibat (necessities) of it, the foundations, prohibitions, the recommendations etc.

Similarly if we want to study about Al Mudhaharah (demonstration) we have to know about its objective, its means, because it is not just a matter of saying it is 'allowed' or 'not allowed'.

If we study this topic, we find that the Shari’ah terms are very important. Nobody will dispute or disagree that to help Muslims is fard and to cooperate with Muslims is fard, that it is fard to support our Muslim Ummah.

Mudhaharah in the Arabic language is “support”, it is narrated in Sunan al-Darimi that Ali ibn Talib said: "I fought on the day of Badr and supported (dhaharah) the Muslims."

Allah asks us to have wala (loyalty) to the believers, part of that is to support them. Allah says:
Allah forbids you to have relationship with those who fight you because of your Din ... and those who support them.

When we mention demonstrations, we are speaking about support and this is one of the best forms of support for the one who is far away from us and we cannot reach them. Demonstrations are a means to support our Din (Way of Life chosen by God).

We need to understand the term Mudhaharah (demonstrations). Imam Al-Khattabi defined the term demonstration and he understood from it that the support in demonstrations must be in relation to the jihad and battlefield, Allah says:
If they seek help from you in the Din, support them,

Meaning if they ask you to fight, you must fight and the demonstration is boosting the morale of the Muslims in a time of weakness, it is a form of creating a high profile for Islam; it is a form of support. It is a noble thing not something evil.

Demonstration motivates the Muslims and it makes them aware about their Muslim brothers. The demonstration is a form of rejecting the evil, a form of commanding good and forbidding evil.

That is exactly what the Prophet (peace and blessings upon him) did. Demonstration is not something Bid’ah (innovated outside Islamic Shariah) and it does have evidences and anybody who speaks about demonstrations must understand the reality of the demonstration.

Demonstrations in early Muslim history

We find it in Kitab Al Hulya Al Awliya (vol 1), Ibn Abbas narrated, he asked:

"O Messenger of God, are we not on Haq (Truth) whether we die or stay alive?" The Prophet said, "Indeed, by the one whose hand is my soul, you are on the Haq whether dead or alive". So Ibn Abbas said, "So why are we hiding? By the one who sent you with the truth, we should come out!”.

And they went out in two lines, Hamzah in one and Umar al-Khattab with the other. They came out until they went to the Ka'bah and the Quraysh looked to Hamzah and Umar and they were so depressed. The Prophet called Umar that day ‘Al Farouq’.

It is mentioned in Al Isabah that Muhammad ibn Uthman ibn Abi Shybah narrated from Ibn Abbas the story about how Umar came to Islam and that, “He went out with Hamzah in two lines with the Muslims”.

So the Prophet gave consent and went out with them in a demonstration, so is that haram? That is the danger of the one who speaks without ilm (knowledge) about the evidences.

We find further evidence in the incident when the verses on treatment of women were revealed, some men started to beat their wives and the women came out in a huge demonstration and complained that some men took advantage and beat their wives.

Moreover, Prophet Nuh (Noah) used to call the people day and night and go door to door, Muslims went to Abyssinia and they took a stand publicly in front of the King and the Prophet consented.

Moreover there was a huge gathering and demonstration in the Bay'ah (pledge of loyalty) to the Prophet under the tree. Demonstration is not a new phenomenon.

EGYPTIAN UPRISING ... Muslim women in Egypt at the forefront of the protests against Mubarak's dictatorship

Some people may complain "What is the benefit?" They should realise that the demonstration is not dispraised. So if there are people who do not like it, they should remain silent and should not attack those who do it. These people only want to cover up the fact that they are cowards. They never command good or forbid evil at all, but are afraid that they will be arrested or will be called 'terrorists'.

All Muslim scholars encourage demonstrations against evil

In fact we do not come across any scholars claiming that demonstrations are haram, rather the fatwas (decrees) for demonstrations are everywhere. Shaykh Abu Muhammad Al Maqdisi said that it is allowed and praised those who do them.

Even Salman al Awdah (Saudi Islamic scholar) said, "We find nothing wrong with it; it is a form of condemning the evil ."

As long as it is free from anything haram , the original rules for these kinds of things is that it is permissible and the incident of the Prophet and the Companions in Makkah is well documented.

Shaykh Ali Al-Khudr also said: "Demonstrations are to come out collectively in an organised way for a particular objective; the original rules are that it is permissible. The Muslims are to other Muslims like a block, they support each other, it is a form of jihad, to call for jihad, to command good and forbid evil. That gathering is a demonstration and it is the Sunnah of the Prophets.”

And he also called it the means leading to the wajib (the obligatory acts).

A PROTEST IN THE US ... Islam condones any acts to mobilise the masses for something noble

If we go to all the ulama, even those who we disagree with, they say that it is permitted. It is only some scholars of the Saudi dynasty, whom it suits them to shout "haram!" if there is a demonstration against the Saudi dynasty, and to say that it is "halal" or even fard if it is in favour of their dynasty.

Those who say it is permissible, they are all found in prison like Shaykh Sulayman Al-Alwan, who said publicly: “It is permissible by the evidence that our Imam, Ahmad ibn Hanbal, was put in prison, and the ulama and their disciples came outside and that was the biggest demonstration, it was the uprising of the Hanabilah (followers of Imam Ahmad Hanbal) to release him.”

Some people like to speak about it from the angle of benefit and interest, so they always speak about bringing benefit to the Muslim community; we can say, Allah says,
If they ask you for help, help them

And the Prophet said: "Support your Muslim brother (verbally, financially, physically) whether oppressor or oppressed"

So supporting your Muslim brothers collectively, openly and publicly is allowed and that is why ibn Taymiyyah in his time saw the people demonstrate for his release from captivity and he wrote that it reminded him of the demonstration of the Hanbali followers.

Even Shaykh Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab with his students demonstrated publicly and gathered together ending with fighting, it is a form of jihad, a form carrying da’wah (spreading the word of God), a form of commanding good and forbidding evil; it is not bid’ah. It was done by the Prophet and by his Companions.

'Not haram just because non-Muslims do it'

It is not the case that “whatever the non-Muslims do, then it becomes haram in our religion”. Rather it is only the haram acts which are forbidden. For example, demonstrations involving swearing are not allowed.

UNISLAMIC ... Demonstrations using swear words are prohibited in Islam

It creates awareness about the current situation because there is no other media, it is an alternative media; it reminds them about what they should do, it motivates those people who do nothing, it boosts the morale, it has a strategic outcome, it puts pressure in order for people to interact; that support in the form of demonstrations will put pressure on the government; it is an opportunity as well for the ulama to meet the masses and the masses to meet the ulama, it is a form of demonstrating the knowledge and there is no single qualified scholar that forbade it.

We need to forget about those fake ‘salafis’, they are people who are muqallid (those who blindly imitate).

The benefit in demonstrations is a lot; the ulama on the street is different than seeing them on satellite, it will send signals to those oppressed that there is an Ummah that will not leave them, an Ummah that supports them.

* This article is an adaptation from a reply given by the author to the question "Is demonstration/protest allowed in Islam" on the forum

Govt to media: Black out police violence during rally


KUALA LUMPUR, Jul 1: Online news portal Merdeka Review revealed that the Malaysian Communication and Multimedia Commission instructed radio and television stations to focus on 'damage' by participants on the July 9 Bersih rally while omitting police violence in the reporting.

The portal said an official told this to some 22 electronic media representatives at a seminar themed Contents Management 2011 held at MCMC yesterday.

“A media representative who attended the seminar told Merdeka Review that the guidance was given by the MCMC official in response to a question from one media practitioner. In fact, the MCMC official who gave the guidance had asked that his words to be taken off the record,” the report added.

It said the seminar aimed at establishing an official "platform between MCMC and government agencies and other private broadcasters" with regard to their compliance with the license conditions and provisions.

The latest 'guidance' followed a report by The Malaysian Insider that news editors in the mainstream media had been told by the authorities not to mention the name "Bersih" in a bid to deny publicity.

'Thank you'

Earlier, PAS central committee member Hanipa Maidin 'thanked' the government and the tightly-controlled media for promoting the Bersih rally through their warnings and reports.

"Whatever it is, we thank the police, the Home minister, Perkasa Apa pun kami berterima kasih kepada polis, pak menteri dalam negeri, Perkasa, UMNO Youth, Utusan Malaysia, RTM and TV3 for helping to promote the rally on July 9 without any charge.

"For all your good deeds, the reward is only from Allah," quipped the PAS lawyer.

The Bersih rally calling for widescale electoral reforms has come under attack from UMNO and its right wing leaders, with the party's offshoot Perkasa raising the spectre of a racial riot should organisers refuse to heed warnings from the police to cancel the rally.

More than 120 people have been arrested to date for donning Bersih's yellow t-shirt, declared an offence by Home minister Hishamudin Hussein and police inspector general Ismail Omar, who also threatened protesters with a "possible loss of lives" during the rally.

Meanwhile, PAS information chief Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man called on rally participants on that day to record provocative incidents.

Saying there had been threats of violence in past rallies which were later blamed on PAS and the rally organisers, Tuan Ibrahim said he expected more such provocations this time around.

Dr M's former political secretary blasts Najib's crackdown on Bersih


PETALING JAYA, Jul 1: Matthias Chang, the former political secretary of Dr Mahathir Mohamad, has spoken out against the government's political crackdown in the run-up to the July 9 rally for electoral reforms by Bersih.

Writing in his blog, Chang (right), a staunch loyalist of the former prime minister and no friend of Pakatan Rakyat, described the spate of arrests of Bersih sympathisers and the threats by UMNO ringleaders to thwart the rally as indicating "the administration’s one track mentality in solving problems, not that the Bersih Rally is a problem."

Saying Bersih's organisers had already given assurance of the rally's peaceful nature, Chang called on authorities not to deploy the Federal Reserve Unit but instead assist them in controlling traffic during the gathering.

"Bersih has assured the nation that the rally would be peaceful and its intention is to deliver a memorandum for a fair and clean election to the King.

"How long would the Bersih Rally be, in the absence of any police action? At the most, one and half hours, and thereafter, they would have to disperse, again peacefully. End of the story," he wrote, adding that those behind Bersih was aware that allowing the rally to turn violent could only undermine the group's credibility.

'Sheer stupidity to ban t-shirts'

Chang also said prime minister Najib Razak should join hands with the Bersih protesters and accompany them in handing over the memorandum to the Agong.

"Be at the gate of the Agong’s palace to stand in solidarity with the participants and show support for their civic-mindedness and assure all those peaceful participants that every effort will be made to ensure a fair and clean election as was the case in 2008 and all previous elections," he added.

Reserving some of his harshest words for UMNO Youth leader Khairy Jamaluddin and Perkasa leaders, Chang also rubbished as "sheer stupididy" the announcement by Home minister Hishamuddin Hussein banning the yellow Bersih t-shirts.

"To declare that it is a crime and or illegal to wear any clothing in yellow bearing the logo 'Bersih' is sheer stupidity. And the Home Minister is a lawyer by training!

"If such clampdown is to demonstrate the power of UMNO and nothing else, then the year long campaign that we are '1Malaysia' rings hollow and that the Barisan Nasional government has no faith in its policies especially its Economic Transformation Programme (ETP), the political crown jewel of Najib’s administration," he said.

Last year, the 61-year old Chang, a lawyer by training, chose to go to jail for contempt of court after an argument with the High Court judge during a defamation suit he took against American Express for suspending his card.


Arrests precursor to UMNO's fall: Nik Aziz

Bersih internet campaign begins: A message to all Malaysians

Amid crackdown, PAS warns against using Agong

"Ingat kita takut?!" — Videos fuel Bersih's appeal online

Bersih's demands in line with Islam: PAS Ulama head

'Know your rights, read the little Red Book'


KUALA LUMPUR, Jul 1: PAS has urged the public to read up the Constitution so that they understand their rights if faced with arrests or subjected to any unconstitutional laws imposed by the government in the run-up to the Bersih rally on July 9.

“By understanding the Federal Constitution, the public will know when their rights guaranteed by the Constitution are violated,” PAS information chief Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man (right) told Harakahdaily.

This followed a statement by Home minister Hishamuddin Hussein and police chief Ismail Omar that it was an offence to wear Bersih 2.0 t-shirts and other paraphernalia related to the electoral reforms coalition.

"If the Bersih T-shirt is related to an illegal activity, then whatever they are wearing is illegal," said Hishamuddin, who added that police could detain anyone for just wearing the t-shirt. Making good its threat, more than 120 people have been arrested to date, including yesterday's arrest of Gopeng member of parliament Lee Boon Chye for wearing a yellow t-shirt that had nothing to do with Bersih.

Tuan Ibrahim described Hishamuddin’s statement as "completely lawless and unconstitutional", and said a similar 'ban' by the police on the July 9 rally was against Article 10(1)(b) of the Federal Constitution, as well as Article 20(1) of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) as pointed out by Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (Suhakam).

The Pahang PAS commissioner suggested the “Red Book” and “MyConstitution” published by Bar Council to be consulted by the public so that they were equipped with the do's and don'ts in the event of an arrest.

“Please help to share information from the Red Book and the Federal Constitution and spread it in printed form, Facebook, email or Twitter to all your family members and friends," said Tuan Ibrahim, who added that police was merely executing orders imposed on them by Barisan Nasional leaders "who still have nightmares over the yellow sea of 2007 Bersih gathering".

Click here to download the Red Book in Bahasa Malaysia and English.

PAS kesal pemaju gagal kebal tindakan undang-undang

Afiq Hizami, Pelatih UKM

KUALA LUMPUR, 4 Julai: Exco perumahan Selangor, Iskandar Abdul Samad (gambar) kesal kerana pemaju perumahan yang gagal menyiapkan rumah mereka masih dilihat kebal dari tindakan undang-undang daripada pihak berkuasa.

Beliau mengulas perhimpunan amam yang telah diadakan baru-baru ini oleh pembeli yang kecewa dengan pemaju perumahan yang gagal menyiapkan projek mereka di hadapan lobi Kementerian Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan (KPKT) bagi menyerahkan memorandum rayuan kepada Menterinya iaitu Datuk Wira Chor Chee Heung.

"Kenyataan akhbar tidak menyelesaikan masalah rakyat, tetapi dengan polisi dan gerak kerja yang akan dilakukan," kata beliau yang merupakan Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Tetap Perumahan, Pengurusan Bangunan dan Setinggan negeri Selangor di samping Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri PAS di Cempaka.

Sehubungan itu, beliau bagi pihak kerajaan negeri Selangor akan melaksanankan beberapa gerak kerja serta polisi yang akan digunakan untuk menyelesaikan masalah pembeli rumah terbengkalai ini.

Difahamkan sebelum ini, pembeli telah banyak membuat aduan terhadap pihak berkuasa untuk mengambil tindakan ke atas pemaju tersebut namun dan ternyata tindakan mereka itu seumpama pepatah mencurah air ke daun keladi.

Dalam perhimpunan itu, hampir 380 ribu keluarga pembeli yang teraniaya dalam tiga projek perumahan terbengkalai daripada pemaju yang tidak bertanggungjawab iaitu syarikat Talam Corporation, Capital land dan U10 Shah Alam.

Melalui pihak Badan Bertindak Casa Gemilang (BBCG), pihaknya mendakwa membuat beberapa aduan bermula 2008 terhadap pemaju Capital Land mengenai projek rumah terbengkalai Servis Apartment dan Rumah Bandar Casa Gemilang di Sungai Pusu, Gombak.

Sebelum ini mereka telah membuat aduan ke Majlis Pembandaran Selayang, Kementerian Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan Malaysia (KPKT) dan Lembaga Perumahan dan Hartanah Selangor (LPHS) namun masih juga tiada jalan penyelesaian.

(Mangsa projek perumahan terbengkalai memakai baju jingga ketika menyerahkan memorandum kepada Kementerian Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan Malaysia (KPKT).

Pada tanggal 1 Mac 2009 laporan polis juga dibuat di Balai Polis Gombak oleh pihak BBCG namun tiada tindakan yang dilihat diambil terhadap pemaju.

Menjelang 2010 BBCG membuat aduan pula kepada pihak kerajaan Perdana Menteri dan Ketua Setiausaha Negara bagi menyelesaikan masalah mereka namun masih tiada nampak jalan penyelesainnya.

Justeru itu, BBCG mengadakan piket aman di hadapan pejabat pemaju pada 18 Januari 2011 setelah hilang tempoh bersabar dan bosan dengan sikap pemaju yang keras kepala.

Pada tahun yang sama, BBCG telah membuat satu lagi aduan kepada pihak Persatuan Pengguna Islam Malaysia (PPIM) untuk mendapatkan bantuan bagi memperjuangkan hak pembeli yang juga sebagai pengguna yang rata-ratanya pembeli Casa Gemilang juga sebenarnya dalah beragama Islam.

Seterusnya, BBCG bersepakat untuk melantik peguam bagi menuntut pemulangan semua bayaran dan kerugian yang ditanggung terhadap pembeli yang masih aktif S&P dan pembeli yang telah ditamatkan S&P oleh pemaju serta pembeli yang sukarela menamatkan S&P.

Namun, Sehingga sekarang semuanya tidak berhasil Pemaju juga seolah-olah kebal dan tidak dikenakan sebarang tindakan undang-undang oleh pihak berkuasa negeri dan persekutuan.

Talam Corp in news again as cheated house buyers swamp ministry


KUALA LUMPUR, Jun 30: Wearing orange t-shirts, some 300 house buyers who felt cheated by the developers gathered at Housing and Local Government ministry yesterday to urge action against two developers including the notorious Talam Corporation.

TIME FOR ACTION ... The house buyers want action against the developers

The house buyers, led by Mohd Akram Mohd Akhbar, handed over two memorandums urging its minister Chor Chee Heung to help solve their problems.

They are part of hundreds of others who still pay installments for the non-existent houses promised by Talam in Selangor and Kuala Lumpur, as well as by Capital Lane Sdn Bhd.

The house buyers however left disappointed after neither the minister nor his deputy received their memorandums, which were instead handed over to an officer.

“Some of us have been waiting for eight years for our houses to be completed and the money has to be paid monthly.

"But until now, the project is still abandoned, when we ask for the reason, the developers say they have financial problems,” said Akram, adding that those affected had been "very patient".

“We decided to assemble peacefully to send the memorandums to plead the government to intervene and help us."

ABANDONED ... The Casa Gemilang project by Capital Lane in Gombak

Another spokesman Jaafar Ismail representing those shortchanged by Capital Lane Sdn Bhd in the Casa Gemilang project in Gombak urged the government to take action on the developers.

“The developers tried to cheat us by preparing an agreement that did not favour us and was only meant to benefit them

"We hope the government will take this seriously and solve it as soon as possible because we have wasted too long waiting for our houses," he added.

Jaafar said thousands of house buyers in Selangor and Kuala Lumpur had parted with millions of dollars in the hope of owning homes, only to be disappointed by the developers' failure.

Talam, responsible for at least eight abandoned housing projects around Kuala Lumpur and Selangor, has often been targeted by disgruntled house buyers although the government has so far not taken any action against the company.

A check on the internet showed that the board of directors of Talam (left), who has its headquarters in Menara Maxisegar, Pandan Indah, consists of Chan Ah Chye, Tsen Keng Yam, Kamaruddin Mat Desa, Chua Kim Lan, Loy Boon Chen and Ng Bee Ken.

According to Talam's website, Chan Ah Chye, a Tan Sri (top left in pic), is also the Executive Director of Kumpulan Europlus, a company which among others developed the West-Coast Expressway Project.

Zunar talks about his latest work


Even My Pen Has a Stand by Zunar,
104 pages (full colour),
Published by Kinibooks, 2011.
Price: RM25.00. Available here.

Even My Pen Has a Stand is my fourth cartoon compilation published by Kinibooks, a subsidiary of Malaysiakini. Previously, I collaborated with the same publisher for Cartoons On Tun… and Others (2005), 1 Funny Malaysia (2009) and Cartoon-O-Phobia (2010).

Even My Pen Has a Stand features a collection of my political cartoons that appeared on Malaysiakini website between September 2010 and June 2011, as well as works published in, an international cartoon website. In addition, the book also includes a special cartoon which I drew while being detained in the police lock-up in September 2010.

To answer questions from fans about my whereabouts prior to the reformasi era, I have also included 12 pages of "Cartoonology" in this book, which gives a history of my career as early as 1974 to the present.

There is also a special artwork from my personal collection, a caricature of me drawn by Anwar Ibrahim from Sungai Buloh prison, dated August 2001.

Even My Pen Has a Stand is chosen as the title because after I was arrested, detained and threatened, I consider it important to reaffirm my stand and continue producing cartoon till the last drop of my ink.

My stance is clear. I will draw to expose the corruption of the Barisan Nasional government as well as address fundamental issues such as abuse of power, police brutality, human rights violations and misuse of public funds.

Even My Pen Has a Stand mainly touches on the Altantuya issue, the Scorpene submarine scandal, the PM, his wife, electrical tariff and petrol hikes, the continuing conspiracies against Anwar Ibrahim, the judiciary, Apco, Egypt, 'FLOM' (First Lady of Malaysia), Sarawak election and racial issues, among others.

On September 24 last year, I was detained, arrested and locked up for two days over the publication of Cartoon-O-Phobia. Prior to that, the government banned six of my cartoon works: Gedung Kartun, Perak Darul Kartun, 1 Funny Malaysia, Isu Dalam Kartun Vol 1, Isu Dalam Kartun Vol 2 and Isu Dalam Kartun Vol 3.

This time around, will I be arrested or will this book too be banned? I do not have an answer to this but let me remind the Najib government that it is uncivilized to use force to stop a political cartoonist. Such a trend may be common in some Central American or African countries in the days of old, but in modern days, editorial cartoonists are recognized as agents of democratisation.

Even in Kazakhstan, cartoonist Vladimir Kadyrbaev has been allowed to criticise the government there, in a national newspaper!

My arrest has become a laughing-stock among the cartoonist community around the world. The feedback I received from fellow editorial cartoonists from America, Indonesia, Thailand, Europe and Japan is that my cartoons are funny, but the government's action against me is even funnier.

However, I am ready to face the consequences from the authority and will fight for my rights.

Last year I filed a suit against the government over the banning of my books, and the court will deliver judgement on July 14. Recently I filed another suit to challenge the unlawful detention against me, and for this the court has yet to set a trial date.

If Even My Pen Has a Stand cannot be sold in the open market, I will have to rely on the support from readers. Only with the support of my fans, the readers and the people who are concerned can the publication of my cartoon works continue.

I cordially invite all my fans, supporters and Malaysians to join me at the launching ceremony and show your support, not only for me but for the sake of freedom of expression.

[Even My Pen has a Stand will be launched on July 2, 2011, 8.00 pm, at the Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall by Lembah Pantai MP, Nurul Izzah Anwar.]

Talking about Islamic values to a non-Muslim

Sukhdev Singh

This exchange of messages took place on account of the news about the 15 year old schoolgirl who made RM30,000 by having sexual intercourse with five men a day during her school holidays.

Friend: RM30,000 / 5 men = RM6000 per man. So good biz? Aiyah, the government already has 'moral education' based on Islamic principles. Guess that's not doing much good too, huh?

Me: What use is education without supervision, laws and policing? Even patimokha (code of coduct for Buddhist Theravada tradition monks) has punishable laws, the worst sentence being disrobing. And what may I ask you are the effects of disrobing? Simple, plain humiliation.

Kota Bharu town centre

All religiously based laws have these common traits including the Muslim hudud. I wish, in the event the Kelantan state government gets a chance, that it makes itself as an experiment not just for Malaysia, but for the whole world to see the wisdom upon which religiously based laws act.

Friend: So, you support Hudud laws, which may also including chopping off the hands, stoning someone to death, etc?

Me: (Laughs) Excuse me? This Malaysia we are talking about and the state is Kelantan. The Menteri Besar is Tuan Guru Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat. Whose head or hands are going to get chopped off and who is going to get stoned to death? What you are expressing is pure Islamophobia, though not of that chronic grade as expressed in the western media.

There was once this article I read in Harakah some time ago claiming that once Kota Baru was a real 'maksiat' entertainment centre which could easily rival KL’s once famous BB Park.

Nauseated, the residents pooled their political will and now decades later ‘Bandar Maksiat Kota Baru’ (BMKB) has been transformed into Bandar Islam Kota Baru (BIKB).

Now it just happens that this is Tanah Melayu, and their religion is Islam. (Jocular digression: I always thought that ‘Singapura’ was ‘Tanah Singh’. However, instead of Karpal Singh, Lee Kuan Yew turned out to be the PM!).

Okay, now you are a sincere Buddhist, rather a Theravadin, to be more specific. Let me ask you, would you like the country that you have adopted as your own to be run by people who are sincere followers of their religion or hypocrites who would twist and turn or interpret their teachings for material gain through corruption, unfair and one sided dealings. Basically, we are talking about all the problems we have been putting up with where our BN is concerned.

In my whole life (and I am in yours too) I have never come across an attempt to run a government out of the teachings of a Holy Book.

Yes, you may cite the few 'Islamic' governments today, you might even include the Islamic countries that are now undergoing violent revolutions at the moment, but if you were to read the Harakah the view of Islam that will build up in your mind will be radically different.

However, the only thing that you will be required to do mentally is to pretend that you are not non-Malay. If mentally, we are going to continually mistrust the Malay or Muslim Malay administration of this country, we as a country are never going to develop and get ahead.

Many, especially the entire opposition, already have the view that we are strategising to compete with Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia for the 10th place.

Religiously speaking, now let’s talk Theravadin, okay, we have the Sigalavoda Sutta:

There are six ways one dissipates one's wealth:

1. Drinking and drugs
2. Carousing late at night
3. Wasting away your time at shows
4. Gambling
5. Keeping bad company
6. Laziness

What can we do to ensure that our citizens do not get caught up in the above and dissipate their wealth?

The 'reclining Buddha' in Tumpat, Kelantan

Buddhistically, nothing. We are not a Buddhist country. (Please, please, I have heard enough of education. The Road Transport Department has a Road Safety Department which is the educational arm. But without the Traffic Police and the Laws the Road Safety Department will be one nice wayang kulit.)

Next, administratively speaking how can we ensure that our government has the qualities as listed down here:
The Ten Duties of a King (from the Pali Jatakas):

But the common man or woman is not the only one for whom Buddha provides guidance...
1. Dana: Liberality, generosity, charity, concern with the welfare of the people.
2. Sila: High moral character, observing at least the Five Precepts.
3. Parccaga: Willing to sacrifice everything for the people -- comfort, fame, even his life.
4. Ajjava: Honesty and integrity, not fearing some or favoring others.
5. Maddava: Kindness and gentleness.
6. Tapa: Austerity, content in the simple life.
7. Akkodha: Free from hatred, ill-will, and anger.
8. Avihimsa: Non-violence, a commitment to peace.
9. Khanti: Patience, tolerance, and the ability to understand others’ perspectives.
10. Avirodha: Non-obstruction, ruling in harmony with the will of the people and in their best interests.

Again, Buddhistically nothing. We are not a Buddhist country. But as Buddhist, or Sikhs for that matter we know that no founder of any religion taught anything bad nor was he ever motivated by bad intentions or aspirations. So, why don’t we just trust Islam?

But, you will say that you have heard many scary things about Islam. That is what Islamophobia is all about. It happened because you listened to the wrong views about the wrong Muslims. You want to understand true Muslim administration read the Harakah.

* Sukhdev Singh is a Harakahdaily reader.

PKR president's statement on Bersih

Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail

July 18, 2011

KEADILAN is alarmed at the blatant antagonism shown by authorities towards the peaceful BERSIH rally planned on 9 July 2011. Strong statements bordering threats made by the highest echelon of the Home Ministry speak volume of Barisan Nasional’s zero tolerance policy towards freedom of speech and the right to assemble.

There is a much bigger and fundamental issue relating to BERSIH rally beyond the question of constitutional right for freedom of speech and the right to assemble. At the heart of BERSIH is the most pertinent issue that will determine whether or not we can progress as a society in tandem with rakyat’s expectation. BERSIH is about the integrity of our electoral system; the absence of which will continue to hamper any efforts to uplift our society economically and socially.

Barisan Nasional’s attitude that promises economic growth without the accompanying accountability and political integrity will continue to erode rakyat’s confidence in our national system. The ability and right of a citizen to elect a party of his choice independently and without manipulation is central to the political integrity that the rakyat now demands loudly of any political parties in Malaysia.

Therefore, KEADILAN considers BERSIH rally as a necessity to provide the early catalyst to our society to embrace progressiveness. BERSIH rally will be a test to its proponents and detractors – a test of resolve to gauge how important is electoral integrity for the former; and a test of tolerance and openness for the latter.

Therefore, it is incumbent upon the organiser and participants of the rally to avoid any confrontation and not to be tricked by any provocation attempts to create chaos. I ask that the planning for the rally must take into account measures to quickly reduce tensions if there is a provocation. The onus is also on the participants to equip themselves with adequate knowledge on crowd control and safety precautions before joining the rally.

On the part of the authorities, we continue to hope that they will reciprocate the organiser’s offer to work together to ensure a smooth and peaceful rally. PDRM must ensure the safety of the participants first and take action professionally on any attempts to provoke or create chaos by any parties.

The BERSIH rally can be a new milestone in our country’s march towards a fully functioning democracy. The yearning for greater accountability in our electoral system is a permanent feature of our society; so it is best to manage it with reasons and level-headedness. In this context, our society does not need further provocative statements and threats issued at BERSIH rally organisers and participants. It is more matured for the groups opposed to the rally to respect the right of a sizeable voice in our society to gather and express their views, just as the same right has been exercised over and over again by these few Umno-linked groups previously.

KEADILAN has committed fully to the cause of improving our electoral system since its inception. BERSIH rally is the paragon of the cause and as such, KEADILAN will ensure our members to come in large numbers and join the expected hundreds of thousands of Malaysians in Kuala Lumpur on 9 July 2011.

For a start, KEADILAN has started to test our own mobilisation capacity this weekend in conjunction with our National Election Convention, throughout which the instruction for big mobilisation to our members will feature prominently.

I ask a similar openness and a little compassion from the authorities. By providing the proverbial safety valve in allowing BERSIH rally to proceed peacefully, this will hasten our society’s maturity to manage differing views and opinions. Such maturity is key to unlocking our society’s potential in future years.

Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail
Parti Keadilan Rakyat

The Bersih rally from an Islamic perspective

Raja Petra Kamarudin

YADIM, an Islamic missionary movement, said that the planned BERSIH march of 9th July 2011 violates Islamic values and ethics. But then what are Islamic values and ethics?

In chapter Ali Imran, verse 104 of the Quran, it says: “Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good, enjoining what is right, and forbidding what is wrong: They are the ones to attain felicity.”

Aziz Jamaludin Mohd Tahir of YADIM (right) just gave his personal opinion and view. And this personal opinion and view echoes that of Umno and the government.

Incidentally, 500 to 600 police reports have already been made against BERSIH with regards to the 9th July rally.

Aziz Jamaludin, however, did not offer proof or quote any verses from the Quran to support his opinion. And, as they say, opinions are like arseholes -- everybody has one.

Well, I have quoted a verse from the Quran -- chapter Ali Imran, verse 104 above -- and it appears that what the Quran says is opposed to what Aziz Jamaludin says.

So, is the Quran wrong or is Aziz Jamaludin wrong? If Aziz Jamaludin is right then definitely the Quran must be wrong.

The Quran, in the verse above, has clearly defined what are Islamic values and ethics. And these values and ethics are amr makruf, nahi munkar.

This means a group of us must arise to uphold what is right and oppose what is wrong. This is our duty as Muslims. Anywhere that we may see violations, transgressions, evil, fraud, abuse of power, corruption, persecution, racism, or whatever, we must expose it, shun it, avoid it, oppose it, fight it, eradicate it, etc. There is no compromise on the matter. There are no two ways about it. We must become an enemy of the enemy of the people.

Denying the people their right to free, clean and fair elections is a violation of Islamic values and ethics.

Denying the people their right to a government of their choice is a violation of Islamic values and ethics.

Denying the people their right to a just and corrupt-free government is a violation of Islamic values and ethics.

Violating the Federal Constitution of Malaysia is a violation of Islamic values and ethics.

Imposing Rule by Law instead of Rule of Law is a violation of Islamic values and ethics.

Persecution, selective-prosecution, racism, cronyism and nepotism are a violation of Islamic values and ethics.

Manipulation of the judicial system is a violation of Islamic values and ethics.

And the list goes on and on.

Is Aziz Jamaludin saying that all those Muslims who rose up to oppose their governments in the Middle East are un-Islamic?

Is Malaysia going to now declare that all those new governments in the Middle East are tahud governments and Malaysia will not recognise them and will not enter into any diplomatic relations with them?

Tahrir Square, Cairo, February 2011

Will the Ambassadors of the these countries be summoned to Wisma Putra to be told that they will have to close their embassies and their staff given 24 hours to leave Malaysia?

Will Malaysia close all its embassies in these countries and recall its diplomatic staff?

Will Malaysians be banned from travelling to these countries just like they are banned from travelling to Israel?

Note that these Muslim countries also had their own ‘BERSIH marches’ when they realised that the election system had failed and change can no longer come through the ballot box but only through taking to the streets.

The government is worried that the BERSIH march of 9th July may end up like the historical Tahrir Square of Cairo incident. I doubt it. The Egyptian government of Hosni Mubarak was evil. The Malaysian government of Najib Razak is not. Only evil governments can fall through street action. Just governments do not fall that way.

This article first appeared in the author's Malaysia Today website.

The King has spoken, softly but firmly

The Malaysian Insider

COMMENT Malaysian King rarely speaks except while opening the Parliament or issuing greetings for festive occasions. And those speeches or statements are written by the government of the day.

Yet, the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin, broke his silence last night over the confrontation between Bersih 2.0 and the Najib administration that has led to detentions under the Emergency Ordinance (EO) and the outlawing of the electoral reforms coalition.

The Terengganu sultan spoke softy but firmly in his statement that urged restraint and called for a return to the negotiating table, without ever referring to the July 9 rally as illegal unlike Putrajaya’s campaign in the past week where state media and even the mosques were used to demonise the movement.

The widely-respected ruler chose his words carefully, expressing belief in Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s capability to handle the issue but asking the government to carry out its duties in a just and wise manner.

It was easy to understand what he meant. Detaining those who wore yellow t-shirts emblazoned with the word “bersih” was an overkill on the part of the authorities. More than 100 have been held and six are now detained under the Emergency Ordinance for purportedly trying to revive communism and ‘“waging war against the Agong”.

Their crime? Having t-shirts with images of leaders from the banned Communist Party of Malaya (CPM), the party that failed and had to lay down their arms in 1989. Did it make sense to even arrest them for wearing those t-shirts unless the police are also now policing fashion?

Perhaps it is good to recall what Bersih 2.0 wants to highlight during their rally, which they planned after being left hanging by the Election Commission (EC). The movement seeks free and fair elections in their eight-point list.

For that, Perkasa and Umno Youth want to take to the streets and protest against. For that, a national silat group has threatened violence. For that, the police have gone all out to pick up anyone wearing a yellow t-shirt with the word “bersih”. For that, we have public service clips on national television and radio rubbishing the movement and the rally.

What does the Barisan Nasional (BN) fear that has radicalised enough people to want to march come what may?

The King saw enough to say this last night, “I as the Yang di-Pertuan Agong do not want to see this country with a plural society in a situation where there is animosity among them or a section of the people being enemies with the government, on whatever grounds.

“When any problem arises, we as a civilised society must resolve it through consultations and not follow our emotions, as the Malay saying goes, “Yang Dikejar Tak Dapat Yang Dikendong Berciciran (Not getting what we chase after and spilling what we carry),” he added.

His message is clear to both Bersih 2.0 and Putrajaya. Talk to each other, because the alternative is not good for the country although he understood the spirit of the rally.

In no uncertain terms, Tuanku Mizan said, “The fact is, street demonstrations bring more bad than good although the original intention is good. Instead, we should focus on our main objective to develop this country, and not create problems that will cause the country to lag behind.

“Remember that there is no land where the rain does not fall, there is no ocean that is not turbulent. That is how important moderation and compromise is, which has been long been in practice by our nation’s administration.”

Putrajaya and Bersih 2.0 have to take this chance given by the King to thrash out the burning issues that divide them. After all, the ultimate winner is the people who see free and fair elections as a way to get the best government of the day.

Ketakutan hilang kuasa punca bertindak huru hara

Salman Hussin

SRI GADING, 4 Julai : Kemenangan yang semakin hampir kepada PAS dan Pakatan Rakyat sangat menakutkan pemimpin-pemimpin Umno-Barisan Nasional (BN) sebab itu mereka sanggup melakukan apa sahaja bagi mempertahankan kuasa mereka.

Mereka bukan sahaja memperalatkan semua agensi kerajaan untuk kepentingan mereka bahkan mereka juga sanggup membelakangkan amalan demokrasi yang jelas terkandung di dalam Perlembagaan Negara.

Demikian ditegaskan Naib Ketua Ulamak PAS Pusat yang juga Pesuruhjaya PAS Johor, Datuk Dr Mahfodz Muhamad (gambar), di sini, baru-baru ini.

Menurut beliau, sokongan rakyat berbilang kaum yang semakin memberangsangkan kepada Pakatan Rakyat mutakhir ini amat menggusarkan pemimpin-pemimpin Umno-BN maka tidak hairanlah mereka melakukan apa sahaja untuk menghalang sokongan rakyat ini.

“Walau pun berbagai usaha serta tindakan tidak demokratik dilakukan namun mereka gagal untuk mengekang kebangkitan rakyat ini,” tegas beliau ketika merasmikan Seminar Maqasid Syari’ah, dekat sini, 3 Julai lalu.

Menurut Dr Mahfodz, sekatan serta tekanan yang dikenakan terhadap PAS dan Pakatan Rakyat akhir-akhir ini menjadi bukti nyata bahawa mereka memang benar-benar dalam ketakutan sekarang ini.

“Kalau mereka tidak takut atau bersalah kenapa mesti memperalatkan pasukan keselamatan untuk berdepan dengan kita secara anak jantan di atas pentas politik,” soal beliau.

Tetap berhimpun

Menyentuh Himpunan Bersih 2.0, 9 Julai ini, beliau yang juga Pesuruhjaya PAS negeri, seterusnya menegaskan, walau pun berlaku halangan mengadakan ceramah serta beberapa tangkapan dilakukan polis ke atas aktivis dan pimpinan PAS di negeri ini, baru-baru ini, namun himpunan tersebut tetap akan diteruskan juga.

“Kita akan teruskan himpunan ini bahkan himpunan ini wajib dilakukan bagi menentang kezaliman yang dilakukan kerajaan yang ada hari ini, justeru percayalah bahawa segala kesukaran dan halangan yang kita hadapi ini sebenarnya menjadi petanda awal kepada kemenangan yang akan memihak kepada PAS dan Pakatan Rakyat .”

Baru-baru ini beberapa aktivis PAS yang didakwa mempunyai kaitan dengan Himpunan Bersih 2.0, telah ditahan polis, antara yang ditahan dan akan didakwa termasuklah AJK PAS negeri, Syed Othman Abdullah, seorang peniaga pasar malam di Tampoi Johor Bahru, Nurfaizah Palik serta dua orang peniaga pakaian di Batu Pahat, Nasharuddin Mohamad dan Shamsuddin Osman.

Syed Othman (gambar kanan) yang juga Penyelia Pusat Aduan Rakyat (PAR) Zon Kempas, didakwa kerana menyebut perkataan ‘Bersih’ ketika berceramah di Taman Rinting Masai, 18 Jun lalu.

Beliau yang ditahan setelah menyerah diri di Ibu Pejabat Daerah (IPD) Polis Seri Alam, 30 jun lalu, didakwa di bawah Seksyen 27(5) akta polis dan seksyen 511 Kanun Keseksaan.

Nurfaizah pula ditahan ketika sedang berniaga air di pasar malam Taman Perling Tampoi, 26 Jun lalu, beliau ditahan kerana memiliki tiga risalah Bersih 2.0, berikutan itu rumah beliau turut digelidah polis bagi mencari saki baki risalah tersebut namun polis gagal menemui sebarang risalah di rumah beliau.

Beliau yang didakwa di bawah Akta Mesin Cetak dan Penerbitan 1984 akan dihadapkan di Mahkamah, pada 10 Julai ini.


Sementara peniaga pakaian terbabit, Nasharuddin, 28, dan Shamsuddin, 45, yang ditahan polis pada 2 Julai lalu telah direman tiga hari bermula 3-5 Julai bagi membantu siasatan polis berhubung baju T Bersih yang mereka jual.

Kedua-dua mereka didakwa di bawah akta polis dan akta pertubuhan selain seksyen 188 kanun keseksaan.

Sementara itu Majlis Pelancaran Himpunan Bersih 2.0 Peringkat negeri ini pada 1 Julai lalu oleh Timbalan Presiden PAS, Mohamad Sabu, di Kompleks Tarbiah PAS Parit Pecah Muar, tidak dapat dijalankan setelah polis bertindak mengepung kompleks tersebut seawal jam 3.00 petang.

Ratusan anggota polis termasuk FRU yang dikerah untuk menggagalkan program tersebut tidak membenarkan orang ramai memasuki kompleks tersebut, anggota FRU telah ditempatkan dipintu utama kompleks ini bagi menghalang orang ramai memasuki kawasan ceramah.

Bagaimana pun ceramah oleh pimpinan PAS dan DAP terus diadakan, Pengerusi DAP negeri, Dr Boo Cheng Hau, Pesuruhjaya PAS negeri, Datuk Dr Mahfodz Muhamad serta Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (Adun) Maharani, Dr Mohamad Taslim, telah menyampaikan ceramah pada majlis ini.

Selain itu tindakan polis mengadakan sekatan jalan raya berhampiran kompleks ini juga menyebabkan berlaku kesesakan yang sangat teruk di kedua-dua hala, tindakan polis ini telah menimbulkan sungutan pengguna jalan raya yang terperangkap dalam kesesakan ini.

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